Category: setting intentions

My Word of Intention for 2019

This past weekend, a group of girlfriends and I shared our monthly call.  We’ve been gathering on the phone once-a-month to connect, share, and pray with each other for almost 20 years (which is bananas when I think about how long its been!).  We’ve seen each other through so much and it’s truly been a…

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Intentional Living in 2018: How to Find Your Word

“When you have clarity of intention, the universe conspires with you to make it happen.”- Fabienne Fredrickson I love the start of a new year. There is an energy of hope and anticipation that I find infectious. For me the New Year presents an opportunity to set a new intention, which I use to help…

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© 2025 Grow Joy - Karla Lawrence, LCPC, BC-TMH, CPC

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